SEO Tips To Optimize Your Blog Posts For Better Ranking

SEO Tips To Optimize Your Blog Posts For Better Ranking

Are you looking for proven SEO tips to optimize your blog post for better rankings in search engines? 

If you're a blogger, you are well aware of how much time to write one good blog post. 

Coming up with blog post ideas to outline the whole blog post is time-consuming and creative. 

After investing so much time, effort and then the blog post fails to get any traffic. 

It hurts a lot! 

The only way to make sure that your blog gets the attention it deserves is, optimizing your blog post for search engines. 

It won't be easy, but it will be fruitful for sure. 

SEO is essential for driving organic traffic to your blog. However, most blogger still gets a bit confused regarding the aspects that they need to optimize and work on to improve their blog post rankings.

Blog SEO tips

Here are 50+ SEO tips that you can implement to improve your blog post rankings in search engines.

58 SEO tips for Optimization

#1: You should add main keywords/phrases in the blog post title. You could take this to the next level by adding a power word and numbers too in your title.

#2: It's highly suggested that you have your main keyword in the first paragraph of your blog post. It would be even better if you can ask a question that is based on your keyword. Ex: Are you worried about why your Blogging SEO strategies are not working?

#3: It would be best if you host your blog on a good web hosting provider. Certain aspects of your hosting provider affect the ranking of your blog. (Recommendation: WP Engine Hosting – Up To 20% Off)

#4: Optimize your blog for fast loading speed. The things you can do to optimize your blog loading speed are, use a cache plugging, add CDN, minify your CSS, and compress your images.

#5: It would be best to use LSI and relevant keywords in your blog post more frequently than the main targeted keyword.

#6: You should optimize your images & graphic used In the blog post by properly naming them, using alt text, and compressing them to be on minimum size. (Try to use JPEG, WebP, SVG-based images. They are lightweight as compared to PNG and other formats.

#7: You should interlink your relevant blog posts more frequently. (Add at least one interlink in your every blog post.)

#8: Blog post length matters! Search your main keyword in Google and go through the top 8 articles, and note down their word count because you need to write your blog post a bit longer than the average of those posts word count.

#9: Focus on getting backlinks from authority sites or blogs. (DropMyLink & SemRush can help you a lot in the link building)

#10: The quality blog post is the emperor. But focus on creating 900 – 1200 words long post blog posts frequently. Can win some battles by having a bigger army. To beat the blogs that have too many posts and started years before you, you need to create a good response post.

#11: You should keep your blog post URLs short and, if possible, use your main keyword as your blog post link.

#12: You should add your main keyword and LSI keywords in your blog post subheadings at least one time.

#13: Blog outline matters! Don't write long paragraphs because it makes visitors feel burdened, and they might skip your blog post. Instead, write short and crisp paragraphs. Remember, you are writing for people to reach a wider audience through search engines; it's not the other way around.

#14: Explain complex topics with bullet points to make your blog post look visually appealing and engaging for the Focus On Mobile Optimized Design: Most visitors use their mobile devices to read blogs and consume content.

#15: It’s highly recommended that you use your main keyword in the subheading of your blog post at least once.

#16: Use your finalized main & LSI keyword list as tags for your blog post. It would help your blog be more topic centric and relevant to niche-specific searches.

#17: Forget about keyword frequency because it's a highly subjective topic. Use your judgment to decide the keyword frequency based on the length of your blog post. (#Hack: 3-4 times for 1000-1200 word long post, 6-8 times for 1500-2500 word long post.)

#18: Write for humans! Use simple words, keep the reader engaged and curious throughout the blog post. Search engine bots are way smart to understand the intent of the blog post.

#19: Avoid writing a long paragraph because the visitor will feel burdened to read the blog post. Long paragraphs make your blog post look visually scary and daunting to read for visitors.

#20: One of the most important aspects of a blog is readability. If your readers cannot read your blog post due to bad design, they will never return to your blog.

#21: Focus On Mobile Optimized Design: Most visitors use their mobile devices to read blogs and consume content.

#22: Compress your image using different image compression method available online. (Recommendation, try to use JPG, WebP, and SVG image files.)

#23: You should interlink your relevant blog posts more frequently. (Add at least one interlink in your every blog post.)

#24: Focus on getting backlinks from the smaller or medium-sized blogs in the early days of your blogging, then move on to higher authoritative websites or blogs.

#25: Try to get social signals from different social media platforms to boost the importance of your content in search engine. Social signals play an important role in getting your post ranked for the targeted keyword.

#26: Add social share buttons to your blog post in the most obvious places to make it easier for the reader to share your blog post. Most importantly, ask your readers to share your blog post with their social presence.

#27: Publish your latest blog post to all the major social media platforms and run ads engagement-based ads with a $10 budget.

#28: You should set up all the tracking tools for your blog. These tools will help you know your visitors and make calculated decisions to enhance the user experience.

#29: You should create a more optimized Robots.txt file to control which pages need to be indexed and not. Avoid getting your category, tag, and other unwanted pages to get indexed in Google and thin your SEO effort.

#30: Create a well organized and optimized Sitemap for your site. If possible, create 3 (Post, page, images) different sitemap and link them together with one sitemap.

#31: It would help if you focused on cloning your competitor's backlink. You can figure out their backlink through tools like SemRush and Ahref.

#32: It would be best if you focused on creating more content based on long-tail keywords or questions. This method would help you get trickling traffic and, over a period, win over the sites that have hundreds of blog posts.

#33: Try to comment on blogs that have high authority and a well-established readers' community. Don’t just comment on random things; try to add value and keep your comment around 130-180 words.

#34: You should create evergreen content more often. Evergreen content can be a powerful driver of organic traffic. Mostly evergreen content tends to solve a specific problem and are longer than 3000 words.

#35: Link out to other people’s blog posts. It won’t hurt your SEO, but it will help you establish yourself as an authoritative figure in the niche and relationship with the original content owner.

#36: No-Follow any affiliate or a promotional link. Too many links in a post or a single page are frowned upon by Search Engines. In that case, use a no-follow tag for links that are for monetization purpose or information purpose.

#37: Backlinks are still one of the top-ranking factors. The more high-quality link your site has, the better chances of getting ranked for your desired keyword.

#38: Find & Fix broken links on your site frequently because search engines hate broken link, and it might affect your whole SEO effort negatively. (You can use SemRush to check broken backlinks.)

#39: Start guest posing on medium-sized blogs to build credibility and then move on to authoritative blogs for guest posting.

#40: You should create ego-bait based content to grow your readers base. Ego-based content is mostly like interviews, round-up posts, listicles, awards.

#41: Do a frequent SEO audit of your website to nullify any error or bug that can affect your site rankings.

#42: Use sites like Quora to generate amazing content ideas and build a readership for your blog by answering questions related to your niche.

#43: Optimize your blog post for social shareability. It would be best to make it enticing for readers to share your blog post on their profiles.

#44: Create free guides, ebooks, reports, and case studies of your past successful experiments. Educational content doesn’t help much to get backlinks, but these types of content are major sou es of backlinks.

#45: Join social media communities related to your niche and interact with its members frequently to build a relationship that later can lead to a guest posting or link-building opportunity.

#46: Find your competitors best performing content and try to replicate it by adding your own experience, personal touch, and visual elements.

#47: It would be best if you focused on building a quality email list over a period that can help you instantly promote your site's content. The more readers a fresh article gets, the more important it becomes for search engines.

#48: You should set up all the needed tool to track, optimize, and manage your SEO efforts. Your efforts will only yield results if you know what you are doing is right or wrong, and that's why tools are important.

#49: Your evergreen or longer form of content needs to load faster because pages that load quickly rank significantly higher than those sites or pages that don’t.

#50: Add more visual elements to reduce bounce rate and make your content more appealing for readers. But don’t forget to compress and optimize these visual elements.

#51: Focus on building an overall reputation for yourself and the site. Search engines consider these factors when it comes to ranking any page from the respective source.

#52: Focus on promoting your blog post or article using all the resources at your exposure. The higher amount of traffic means better ranking in Search Engines.

#53: Create blog posts or articles with videos in them. This simple strategy will help you earn more backlink and readership than textual based content.

#54: Set your preferred domain version(WWW or NON-WWW) for your blog. You can achieve this in multiple ways, but the easiest way is to rel=”canonical” links to URLs and create your sitemap with the preferred domain version.

#55: Frequently monitor your backlink profiles to keep an eye for broken links or links that are expired.

#56: Try to go through Google Analytics data to understand which blog posts are getting more traffic, so you can focus on creating similar content and learn what you need to do to make other blog posts work.

#57: Your SEO efforts will only pay off when tracking, optimizing and managing every bit of your efforts using certain tools.

#58: Blog SEO is not complicated. It comes down to majorly three things: 1- Better Keyword Research 2- High-Quality Content 3- Link Building & Promotion

Blog SEO Tips


As a blogger, you would want your content to reach a wider audience and help you establish yourself as an authoritative figure in the niche.

The surefire way to achieve this is by optimizing your blog post for better ranking in search engine.

Quality content is indeed king! But, if your content doesn't get many readers, then what's the use of writing that content.

A king is useless without a kingdom.

How do you build your kingdom using your quality content?

The obvious answer is SEO!

You need to optimize your blog post for better ranking by improving certain aspects of your content.

Remember, to build your kingdom; you need to spread the word about the kingdom; you need to entice people to come and settle in.

Those are the exact footsteps you need to follow to build your audience base.

Don't ignore the SEO optimization of your blog, thinking that writing quality content is enough.

It's not, and it's never going to be.

So, focus on being a king who rules over a kingdom!

Do you optimize your blog to build your kingdom? Share your SEO tips for blog post optimization in comments!

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