Every day, hundreds of thousands of people create and publish content online. It's like a race – everyone's got to be producing and publishing as much as possible to win.
Does any of that content make a difference? The truthful answer is NO. Most of this content just gets buried in the last pages of Google's search results.
It's just not enough to produce content these days. Your content needs to be a hit, effective, and most importantly, deliver some value to the reader. And to top that, you need to make sure that your content is found, viewed, and shared by the right people?
Sound's like a lot of work! And that's true – To create a single hit blog post, you need to invest a lot of hours in marketing.
The blogosphere is flooded with blog posts, like a girl's closet. But If you’re trying to make an impact, it’s not enough to publish random content; you need to create hit content. Hit content attracts audiences, influences their behavior, and opens up opportunities for you.
It’s the difference between having your voice heard and having your voice ignored. So how do you create a hit blog post?
Well, just for you, I have put together this blog post. Follow these steps, and you will be able to create hit content that gets the attention.

1- The 5 Pillars Of A Hit Blog Post
Content is the only weapon you need to win any battle in the blogosphere. But who says you have to curate content that pleases the masses?
That's not how you build authority in any niche and provide value to people who matter. It is very important to know who you are trying to connect with through your content.
When you are thinking about creating content, think about who you are trying to help. The answer to this single question will help you create amazing content that your target audience will enjoy and find value in it.
An effective or hit blog post is created based on these 5 pillars.
- Make Your Content Valuable
- Speak In A Language That Your Readers Can Relate With
- Avoid Gibberish In Your Content
- Forget The Length, Focus On The Topic
- Don't forget the Call To Action
1.1- Make Your Content Valuable
Content makes up the heart and soul of any blog, and without it, you're just another blog in the crowd of millions.
But what makes a piece of content incredible? I can tell you: it's not about how many views you get. It's not about how many likes it gets. It's not about how many people you influence. It's simply about your customers.
Content is not about the masses. It's not about influencing everyone in the world; it's about talking to your customers, understanding what they want, needs, their problems, and solving them.
That's the difference between content that is “just okay” and content that is “incredible.” If you want to make your content incredible, make it about your customers.
1.2- Speak In A Language That Your Readers Can Relate With
Don't try to show off your expertise by using terminology that your readers are not familiar with. Because readers are searching for the solutions to their problems in simple words they feel comfortable with.
They are not sitting with the knowledge you have, and in case if they did, they wouldn't need the content you are creating.
A visitor would never search “Odontalgia”. As an expert in the niche, you might know what it means, but your readers are mostly common folks. Don't expect them to know these big complex words.
They are more prone to search using simple words like toothache. And by the way, Odontalgia means an ache around the tooth.
So make it easy for your readers to consume the content.
When creating content, videos, try to level with your audience and use terminology they are more familiar and comfortable with. Because they would be using those terminology to perform their searches, and you wouldn't want to lose that organic traffic.
1.3 – Avoid Gibberish In Your Content
Lots of bloggers and marketers out there think that they need to add unnecessary stuff to their blog post to make it look cool and, at the same time, boost their SEO because there's a belief that longer content performs better in search engines.
Do you really need to do that? Is it really helpful?
Well, the answer is no, and it's not even necessary to do that. You need to focus on your audience, and you need to understand that your audience is there for answers to their questions, not for a long essay of your thoughts.
So, work on your SEO. But don't fill your blog post with gibberish to use keywords.
1.4- Forget The Length, Focus On The Topic
“How long the blog post should be?”
It's a tricky one to answer. Content length is a very subjective topic, and it's hard to give a definitive answer.
However, we can look at a few key factors that will help to illuminate the answer. First of all, you need to know who your audience is, what problem you are trying to solve, and the intelligence level of your audience.
If you think you need around 1500 words to kill every objection, provide an effective solution, then that's the length of your blog posts. Ultimately, the length of your blog post will be determined by the purpose of your blog post.
But the golden rule you need to follow when creating a piece of content is to focus on solving the problem and forget about the length. Because when your content holds value for the reader, they will read it till the end.
1.5- Don't Forget The Call To Action
Content shouldn't be purposeless, so please stop creating content that doesn't drive real business results.
Every bit of content should be there to get more people aware of who you are, more people thinking about becoming one of your customers, or signing up for your mailing list. Your content needs to entice readers to take some action.
And the best way to do that is to include Call To Action.
So when you are creating content, you need to be aware of how you can include an effective call to action that will convince the readers to take action.
It's good to be informative, provide value – but it won't pay your bills.
You need to exchange the value you are providing with some monetization.
So, don't forget to include a call to action in your blog post.
2 – Understand The Purpose Of Your Blog Post
Creating content is hard, and creating content that generates high traffic and leads is even harder.
Many bloggers take the approach that they will create content and then let the traffic come to them, and this strategy does not work. If you want to generate leads and sales, your content must reach your audience, and you need to understand why you are creating the content and who you are creating it for.
Do you know what you are trying to achieve with your blog post? Do you know who your audience is? Do you know what the purpose of your post is?
If you do, then you are ahead of many other bloggers. While creating content for your blog, you have to ask yourself some questions that will help you determine the right purpose for your post.
What is the purpose of your post? What are you trying to achieve? Are you trying to inform, explain, sell, entertain, or maybe a bit of everything? Maybe you have a different goal in mind – a goal that is not on this list. That is fine – you can put any goal you want to achieve. But you have to be honest with yourself. What is your purpose? And what purpose do you think is the best for your blog post?
The purpose of your blog post can fall into three main categories: selling, branding, and lead generation. Content created to sell a product, service, or offer is typically emotion, and benefit-focused. Content created for branding purposes is designed to help improve your blog's reputation, and business in the eyes of your audience. Content created to convert visitors into leads is designed to get visitors to take action.
So, always have a purpose for your blog post.
3- Pick A Theme And Topic
You can't just pick any topic you want for your blog post, especially if you want to establish yourself as an authoritative figure in the niche and monetize your blog later.
It would be best to choose topics relevant to your blog's niche, interesting, exciting, and engaging to your audience. A good blog post topic resonates with your readers, and it's something that they will keep coming back for.
Your blog's theme will help you decide what you want to write about and how you write it. The theme of your blog always influences the main idea of a blog post and the problem you are trying to solve for readers under that theme.
For example, if you have a blog on writing, you can select a wide variety of topics that somehow tie back to writing, like writing a great blog post in 55 minutes?
The best way to grow your blog audience is to write about topics that your audience wants. You can use sites like Quora, Answer The Public, and niche relevant forums to figure out good topics in your niche or theme.
When you do this, readers will start coming to your blog looking for more of what you have to offer. The key, though, is to make sure that you're delivering on your promises and staying relevant always.

4- Plan Your Hit Blog Post – Research, Outline, Bullet Points
When you write your blog post, do you plan it out before you write it? If you don’t, you’re missing out on a super effective strategy that can help you create blog posts twice faster.
Do you know why most bloggers invest so many hours to create a single blog post? It’s not because they want to create the most comprehensive blog posts on their niche. Most bloggers spend so much time writing a single blog post because they don’t plan their blog posts.
Bloggers who do plan their blog posts are the ones who finish their posts faster. Why? Because they have already done their research, created an effective outline for their blog post, all they need to do is flesh the outline with their expertise.
Another advantage of planning your blog posts is that you already know what you will write about and have bullet points that you can turn into paragraphs.
If you don’t plan your blog posts, you’ll find it difficult to write a blog post in one sitting.
Don't waste your time; plan your blog post first before you type that first word.
5- Write Your Blog Post
The final step is to write a hit blog post, and it is the most important step of all.
Why? Because If your content is not unique, if your content is not interesting, if your content does not enlighten your readers, then your content is useless.
You need to be creative and write something that your visitors, subscribers, or followers will like to read. Remember, you are not writing the blog post for yourself but your audience.
You already have an outline, bullet points and have done your research. All that is left to do is to flesh the outline with your experience to create a hit blog post.
The Conclusion:
So you want to know how to write a hit blog post?
If you want to ensure you are writing a blog post that effectively captures your readers' attention and gets them to trust your brand more, buy your product, then you need to make sure you do the following: Write a highly detailed blog post relevant to your audience. Make sure your writing style is conversational.
Every blog post should have a call to action. Make sure you are using social media to your advantage. Create an engaging title that showcases the benefit of your blog post to your readers.
Writing a hit blog post is not easy, especially if you are trying to build a business with it.
And that is why you need to follow the right approach to create effectively, hit blog posts that deliver results.
Make sure you are using all the tools available to you to make the most of your blog post.
By following these tips, you can be sure to write a hit blog post that your readers will love.
How do you write your hit blog post? Share your method with me in the comment.
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Romy Singh
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